Volume 14, Issue 2 (5-2011)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2011, 14(2): 43-50 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Arak University
2- Arak University , ghorbani.akbar@gmail.com
Abstract:   (16600 Views)
Background: Adiponectin is a protein which is initially secreted exclusively by adipocytes but its secretion decreases in obese and overweight individuals. With its anti-inflammatory properties, adiponectin acts as an agent which can decrease the risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to determine adiponectin serum levels in type II diabetic men and explore its relationship with insulin resistance following aerobic exercise. Materials and Methods: In this semi- experimental study, 30 men with type II diabetes were randomly assigned to training and control groups. The training group went through an 8-week training program which consisted of three 40-50 minute aerobic exercise sessions a week (running on treadmill at intensities corresponding to 30to 75% of maximal heart rate (35-75% HR max)). For measuring adiponectin and insulin serum levels, blood samples were obtained through ELISA technique in 2 stages, weeks zero and eight. For determining insulin resistance, insulin resistance index was utilized. In order to evaluate the results, dependent and independent t-tests and Pearson correlation coefficient were used. Results: The results did not indicate the presence of a significant relationship between adiponectin and insulin resistance following training (P=0, r=-0.14). In comparison with the control group, training induced a 39% decrease in adiponectin serum levels, a 10% decrease in BMI and bodyweight, and a 48% decrease in insulin resistance (P>0.001) Conclusions: The findings of this study showed that in response to the 8-week aerobic training program, adiponectin serum levels significantly increased while insulin resistance got decreased. In addition, there was not a significant relationship between adiponectin serum level changes following training and insulin resistance index.
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Type of Study: Original Atricle | Subject: General
Received: 2010/03/13

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