1- , motevaselian_mo@yahoo.com
Abstract: (20791 Views)
Introduction: Hemorrhoid is a common disorder causing pain, and its standard treatment is Hemorrhoidetomy. Also, pain is a common problem after surgery and control of it prevents physiologic and psychiatric complications. Kegel exercise is one of the relaxing and none invasive methods for reduction of pain. In this study the effect of kegel exercise on pain relief post hemorrhoidetomy is investigated. Materials and Methods: This study is a single blind randomized clinical trial. Samples were patients admitted for hemorrhoidetomy to Shahid Sadooghi hospital of Yazd. They were randomly divided in two experiment and control groups (each group 30 persons). Before operation, Kegel exercise was educated to experiment group and after surgery pain range were recorded. Data was analyzed using descriptive and analythic statistics (t and Pearson correlaton tests). Results: Findings showed that the mean score of post surgery pain in the first 48 hours after operation in experimental group was 26.50±5.82 and in control group 31.26±5.94, that have meaningful difference (P=0.003). Regarding the amount of analgesics, the mean use of analgesics after surgery in experimental group was 18.9±14.83 and in control group 52.83±29.89 which has meaningful difference (P=0.00001). Type of analgesics in the two groups 18, 24 and 48 hours after surgery with p=0.04, p=0.04 and p=0.05, had significant difference. There were not any correlations between pain intensity and numbers of Kegel exercise. Conclusion: Based on results, Kegel exercise decreased post hemorrhoidetomy pain and using analgesic drugs was decreased in experimental group. Preoperative education of this method is useful in pain management postoperatively.
General Received: 2008/10/15