1. Introduction
n late December 2019, a disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-9) was identified in Wuhan, China, which spread rapidly around the world. Its virus was first found in seafoods in Wuhan, China [
2]. COVID-9 can severely affect the immune system and affect many tissues, especially the lungs, by causing cytokine storms in the body [
8]. On the other hand, it has been shown that exercise can increase the function of the immune system [
15]. People are still active at different intensities during the COVID-9 pandemic. This study aims to review the effect of different intensities of exercise on the immune system, and consequently on COVID-9.
2. Materials and Methods
This is a review study. The search was conducted in Scopus ،ISC, PubMed, Google Scholar, MagIran, and Noor databases on related studies published from 1995 to 2020 by using following keywords: Coronavirus, COVID-9, exercise and coronavirus, exercise and immune system, high-intensity exercise and immune system, moderate-intensity exercise and immune system, low-intensity exercise and immune system. The inclusion criteria were: publishing in Persian or English, and in journals with higher impact factor or reputable national journals. The exclusion criteria were: publishing in blacklisted or hijacked journals, publishing at conferences, and being duplicate or unrelated study.
3. Results
With the outbreak of COVID-9, many physiological changes occurred in the body including a impairment in the immune system and a rapid increase in obesity, depression and cardiovascular problems [
10]. It has been shown that exercise can reduce the risk of these problems [
14]. However, the intensity of exercise is a major factor. High-intensity exercise can increase cortisol and lower the immune system function, while moderate-intensity exercise can improve immune function, reduce weight, and so on [
15]. In general, it can be said that exercise is an effective strategy to make positive changes in the physiological process of the body during the COVID-9 pandemic. Studies have shown that exercise can increase endorphins and reduce depression. In a study, sudden stop of exercise caused professional athletes to become depressed; that is why researchers stated that moderate-intensity exercise can be very effective [
Preliminary epidemiological data have shown that cardiovascular diseases are very common following a significant increase in disease severity and mortality in people who are inactive and obese. Cardiovascular benefits of regular exercise include a reduction in resting heart rate and blood pressure, improved respiration, weight loss, and other metabolic changes that can lead to improved lipid profiles and glucose tolerance [
43]. Undoubtedly, these factors are important and justify the constant emphasis on regular exercise as a major part of prevention and treatment goals. Studies have also reported that moderate-intensity exercise to be a very good factor in increasing fat oxidation. High-intensity exercise can also inhibit lipolysis. In this regard, Khoramipour et al. هn their review study stated that the highest rate of fat oxidation occurs at low to moderate intensities between 35 to 65% VO2max [
50]. Therefore, it can be said that moderate-intensity exercise during the COVID-9 pandemic can cause weight loss.
Exercise can act like a medicine in the body. Numerous studies have shown that exercise and physical activity can have anti-inflammatory effects [
59] and help improve the immune system and increase T cells in the body [
56]. For athletes who perform moderate to high-intensity exercises, it is recommended to use liquid carbohydrates during competition to prevent a weakened immune system and increased interleukin-10 level [
61]. In this regard, regular exercise can have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, such that exercise has been shown to improve the immune response to influenza vaccine in the elderly [
4. Discussion and Conclusion
Due to the outbreak of COVID-9 and increased home stay, performing exercise along with simple movements can improve the function of the immune and cardiovascular systems. According to numerous reports of the effect of high-intensity exercises on lowering the function of the immune system, it is better to perform moderate-intensity exercises (for 30-45 min). It is also recommended to control the house humidity during indoor exercise indoors. Finally, people with severe colds or COVID-9 are better to refrain from exercise until they are fully recovered.
Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines
In writing this article, ethical principles were considered in accordance with the instructions of the National Ethics Committee and the COPE regulations.
This study was approved by the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology, Tarbiat Modares University.
Authors' contributions
The authors observed the criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The authors would like to thank the Research Center of Tarbiat Modares University (TMU).
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