Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2002)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2002, 5(2): 1-4 | Back to browse issues page

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Changizi Ashtiani S, Khameneh S, Ghandechilar N. Assessment of Off-Response of Baroreflex During Isometric and Dynamic Exercise. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2002; 5 (2) :1-4
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-6695-en.html
1- Faculty of Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran.
2- Faculty Member of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
Abstract:   (1080 Views)
Introduction: The  off  response  of  baroreflex  is  mostly  ignored  by  recent  studies.  In  the  present  study  we  aimed  at  assessing  this  during  rest, and  isometric  and  dynamic  exercise.
Materials  and  Methods: 12  young  male  subjects  volunteered  the  study. Using  an  Eckberg  neck  suction device  each  subject  received  a  brief  (10  sec).  about  of  sustained  stimulus  with -50 mm  Hg  pressure  in  the  neck  chamber.  The  workload  incorporated  was  100w  for  dynamic  and  50%  of  maximal  effort  for  isometric  exercise. Electrocardiogram  was  recorded  on  line  R-R  intervals  were  assessed  beat   and  responsed  cardiac  response. This  was  significant  at  all  three  states.
Results: on  the  average, the  peak  off-response  tachycardia  occurred  earlier (3rd  sec).  in  exercise  tests  as  compared  with  that  of  rest (5th  sec). the  intensity  of  tachycardia  was  more  prominent  at  rest, isometric  exercise, and  dynamic  exercise, respectively  and  the  difference  between  rest  and  dynamic  exercise  gained  significance (p<0.01).
Conclusion: The  attenuation  of  so  called  post  vagal  tachycardia  during  exercise  is  in  accordance  with  the  assumed  reduction  of  vagal  tone  during  exercise.
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Type of Study: Original Atricle | Subject: psychology
Received: 2021/01/20 | Accepted: 2002/07/1

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