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Showing 9 results for soltani

Ali Fani, Iman Fani, Ramin Ghahremani, Abass Mohseni, Hamid Reza Soltani,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Summer 2004)

Introduction: Although more  than  two  decades  is  passed  from  the  discovery  of  H.pylori  and  its  role  in  pathogenesis  of  upper  GI  disease, a  uniform  protocol  for  H.pylori  treatment  is  not  administrated  yet.  This  research  is  conducted  to  evaluate  knowledge,  attitude  and  practice  of  physicians  about  H.pylori  disease  and  treatment  and  its  changes  after  reading  a  review  article.
Materials  and  Methods: This  is  an  interventional  study. First we  prepared  a  compact, review  article  for  the  purpose  of  teaching  H.pylori  pathophysiology, diagnosis  and  treatment.  Then  thirty  questions  was  brought  out  to  evaluate  knowledge, attitude  and  practice  of  the  physicians  about  H.pilory   diagnosis  and  treatment. After  the  first  evaluations  we  gave  our  article  to  the  physicians  to  study.  One  month  later  we  repeated  the  evaluation  with  the  same  questionnaire.  Data  was  analyzed  by  SPSS  software.
Results:  304  physicians  participated  in  this  study.  The  mean  evaluated  knowledge  was  49.64-58.75  with  95%  confidence  interval;  which  after  education  increased  to 57.94-74.14 (p<0.05). Mean  level  of  attitude  and  practice  was  53.01-71.67  with  95%  confidence  interval. After  studying  it  increased  to  61.54-80.83 (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The  first  step  of  the  study  showed  that  test  and  treat  is  the  protocol  of  choice  for  many  physicians.  After primary  evaluation  and  introducing  the  compact  article  there  was  a  noticeable  change.   
Parvin Soltani, Fariba Asadi, Amir Sobhani,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2005)

Dr Ali Chehrei, Dr Manijeh Kahbazi, Dr Bahman Salehi, Dr Afsaneh Zarganj-Fard, Dr Fatemeh Darreh, Dr Parvin Soltani, Dr Ashraf Zamani, Dr Mohammad Khalili, Dr Afsaneh Noroozi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2006)

Introduction: Performing correct research in different aspects of community as well as medical sciences can be a way to resolve many problems. In order to create a systematic knowledge of research method in academic members of Arak University of medical sciences and enabling them in providing proposals and performing researches, a clinical research center was developed. This study is done to investigate the effect of this center on improving clinical researches in the University. Materials and methods: This is a HSR, before and after, interventional study in which, clinical academic members of Arak University of medical science were evaluated. First the information of the pre intervention period was gathered (jan2002-jan2004). Then the intervention was done in the form of developing a research center in Vali-Asr hospital, performing serial research workshops, research conferences, research consultations and planning data bases during a 2 years period. Again data was gathered and then compared to those of pre intervention period. Results: The comparison of pre and post intervention periods showed that in pre intervention period from 38 proposals 30 and in post intervention period from 89 proposals 76 were approved by research committee of the University. In the two pre and post intervention periods 14(46.6%) and 50(65.8%) of accepted proposals were clinical respectively. Also from the view point of quality, 11 and 15 proposals were HSR, 2 and 22 clinical trials and 8 and 8 descriptive, respectively. The number of published articles in first period was 45 and in second 84. Presented articles in internal and external congresses were 33 and 59 in the two periods overally, which 25 and 51 articles were presented in the country and 8 and 8 in abroad congresses, respectively. Conclusion: Regarding the results it seems developing research center in this University and other similar Universities can have a significant effect on the process of clinical researches.
Soleiman Zand, Hadi Hasan-Khani, Parvin Soltani,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2007)

Introduction: End stage renal disease (ESRD) is a major health problem and each year the number of patients is increasing. If the disease becomes irreversible, patients must always be hemodialyzed. Since mortality rate will increase due to inadequate dialysis, determining the efficacy of hemodialysis and improving its quality is very important. The main goal of this research is investigating the efficiency of hemodialysis. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional analytical study which was conducted on 103 people who were under dialysis treatment in the Vali-e-Asr hospital of Arak in year 2003. Weight, blood pressure (before and after dialyze), time of dialysis, BUN and Cr before dialysis and 5 minutes after turning of the pump and before the second dialysis were measured. Data was analyzed by T test and Pearson correlation. Results: The mean of KT/V was 0.58 ± 0.1 normal protein catabolic rate (nPCR), 0.36 ± 0.11 g/kg per day and time average concentration of urea (TAC), 43.3 ± 14 mg/d which had a significant difference with standard measures (p<0.05). KT/V was 0.49 ± 0.18 and 0.47 ± 0.10 for men and women respectively which was significantly different (p<0.03). There was a positive and linear relationship between education level and TAC, KT/V and number of dialysis per week. Conclusion: Regarding the low efficiency of hemodialysis in 80% of patients and lower levels of hemodialysis efficacy indicators in comparison to standard measures, periodic assessment and also investigating the reasons of low efficacy of hemodialysis is recommended.
Nader Shavandi, Farzane Taghian, Vahideh Soltani,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2010)

Background: Primary dismenorrhea or painful menstruation, in the absence of any specific pelvic diseases, is one of the most common complaints in women’s medicine. The main goal of this study is to examine the effect of isometric trainings on primary dismenorrhea. Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental Stud, 30 female students from Payame-noor and Azad Universities in Golpaygan were randomly assigned into two exercise and non-exercise groups. The exercise group did 8 weeks of isometric exercises under the supervision of a physical education expert. The trainees were examined based on the intensity and duration of pain, the amount of bleeding, and consumption of drugs in the first period of menstruation (pre-test), the second period of menstruation (mid-test) and the third period of menstruation ( post-test ). Results: Intensity of pain in the exercise group decreased after 4 weeks (p<0.05) while the duration of pain declined after 4 weeks (p<0.05) and 8 weeks (p<0.01). Also, the amount of taken drugs decreased after 8 weeks of exercise (p<0.05), but the degree of bleeding did not change significantly (p>0.05). Conclusion: Isometric exercises decreased intensity and duration of pain, and the amount of drugs taken in primary dismenorrhea. Therefore, such exercises can probably be used in the treatment of primary dismenorrhea.
Mohammad Bagher Kajbaf, Amir Keshavarz, Abolghasem Nouri, Mohsen Lali, Mohammad Soltanizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2011)

Background: Nowadays, many Iranian families, depending on the family members’ level of interest, tend to keep pet animals. Psychological studies have rarely dealt with the impact of pets on family performance and individuals’ mental health. The purpose of this study was to compare family performance and mental health in individuals who own pets and those who do not. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 152 participants (80 pet keeping and 72 non-pet keeping) living in Isfahan were selected through stratified random sampling and completed Family Assessment Device (FAD), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), and a demographic questionnaire. Data analysis was done through multivariate regression and covariance analysis. Results: The results indicated significant differences between the pet keeping and non-pet keeping groups in terms of anxiety, sleep disorders, relationships, and emotional involvement therefore, it can be concluded that non-pet keeping individuals have more anxiety and sleep disorder symptoms, whereas pet keeping individuals present more problems in terms of emotional involvement and their relationships(p<0.05). Conclusion: According to the results, it is suggested that in keeping pets, greater attention should be to cultural factors. Also, in some circumstances keeping pets should be recommended for reduction of anxiety and elevation of sense of security and relaxation.
Masoud Golpayegani, Esmaill Alibakhshi, Mohammad Adel Soltani,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (7-2011)

Background: The purpose of this study was to review the effect of a mobilization exercise and strengthening program with dynamic splint on prevention of repeated shoulder dislocation in professional athletes. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective quasi experimental study, 18 athletes with mean age of 25 years suffering from repeated anterior shoulder dislocation with effective trauma were reviewed in a mobilization and strengthening program with dynamic splint of shoulder. The results were evaluated by Constant Shoulder Score (CSS), descriptive analysis, and t- test. Results: The decreased range of motion in shoulder joint in abduction and external rotation in comparison with healthy shoulders was 36 degrees. The training program had a significant effect on reduction on repeated anterior shoulder dislocation. In radiology, 3 cases of premature arthritis which had restriction in external rotation were observed. Conclusion: Rate of instability after mobilization and strengthening program with dynamic splint was low but due to the restriction that dynamic splint induces in external rotation of shoulder joint, this program should be done by professional athletes in a way that in the final stages of the training program splints are used less.
Hamed Abbasi Soltani, Farzad Zehsaz,
Volume 21, Issue 5 (10-2018)

Background and Aim: one of the key concepts in physical education and sport science is the process of talent identification. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of PPARα gene polymorphism on some of the athletic performances of non-athlete 10-12-year-old children.
Materials and Methods: The present project was carried out in the form of semi-experimental and field-based research with salivary sampling. To determine the polymorphism of the genes, the methods used included saliva sampling, salvary DNA extraction and PCR-RFLP method and exercise tests included the Shuttle run, standing broad jump and 20m sprint. Our subjects consisted of 118 non-athletic healthy boys of Marand from 10 to 12 years old. After comparison with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, frequency of genotype was tested with Leven, Fisher and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Using one-way covariance analysis, the mean group phenotypes was compared with each other. Type of polymorphism as a predestine variable and the athletic performances of 20m shuttle run, standing broad jump and 20m sprint test were considered as the criterion variable. All analyzes were performed by SPSS 22.
Findings: The results showed that the subjects with PPARα gene GG polymorphism had better performance in the endurance tests than subjects with CC and GC polymorphism.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that GG polymorphism is related to the endurance activities, but CC and GC polymorphisms do not have a particular predominance in the endurance, speed and power activities.

Sedigheh Safaeian Titkanlou, Toktam Maleki Shahmahmood, Zahra Ghayoumi-Anaraki, Fatemeh Haresabadi, Majid Haddadi Avval, Mohaddeseh Soltani, Mohsen Rajati Haghi,
Volume 23, Issue 6 (February & March 2020)

Background and Aim: Phonological awareness skills, as part of phonological processing abilities, can predict the extent of success in acquiring written and reading skills. Phonological awareness skills are of concern in children with severe and profound hearing loss, which has been less studied in this population. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate these skills in Cochlear-Implanted (CI) children and compare them with their healthy counterparts.
Methods & Materials: The study population included 25 CI children and 25 healthy children, aged 4-6 years, who were monolingual Persian speakers. The selected CI and healthy children were selected from the Rehabilitation Center of Naqmeh and the Kindergartens in Mashhad, City, Iran, respectively. After selecting each participant, the test of phonological awareness was administered. To compare the mean scores of each subtest, the obtained data were analyzed in SPSS v. 21 using the Mann-Whitney U test.
Ethical Considerations: This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Code: IR.MUMS.REC.1396.263).
Results: The mean scores of CI children were significantly lower than that of their healthy peers in all phonological awareness subscales (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The obtained data suggested that healthy children presented better performance than the CI children in the phonological awareness test. Poor phonological awareness skills in CI children seem to be associated with hearing deprivation before cochlear implantation; thus, it requires to speed up surgery at an early age and the implementation of an effective rehabilitation program.

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