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Showing 3 results for Appetite

Abbas Saremi, Nader Shavandi, Neda Bayat,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Background: Physiological studies suggest that sleep deprivation may influence bodyweight through affecting appetite (decreasing leptin and increasing ghrelin). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 12 weeks of aerobic training on obesity indices, serum levels of ghrelin and leptin, and sleep quality in overweight and obese men. Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 22 overweight and obese men with low sleep quality were randomly assigned to aerobic training (n=12) and control (n=10) groups. Aerobic training was performed (50-60 min/day, 3 day/week) for 12 weeks. Serum ghrelin and leptin and obesity and sleep quality indices were measured before and after the intervention. Changes in dependent variables resulting from the training intervention were assessed by dependant t-test using SPSS software. Results: After aerobic training, weight (p<0.03), body mass index (p<0.04), visceral fat (p<0.04), total abdominal fat (p<0.03), and sleep quality (p<0.001) significantly improved. However, ghrelin and leptin serum levels did not change in response to aerobic training (p<0.05) during the same period. Conclusion: Short-term aerobic training improved obesity indices and sleep quality in obese/overweight men, yet this improvement was not accompanied by changes in ghrelin and leptin serum levels.
Akram Jafari, Mohammad Reza Moradi,
Volume 16, Issue 11 (2-2014)

Background: Aging is associated with appetite decline, weight loss, reduced muscle mass and increased fat mass. Ghrelin and Obestatin are two peptides that effect appetite. According to importance of physical activity in energy balance and some body composition variables the aim of this study is investigate the amount of ghrelin, obestatin and some body composition variables and their relationship in athletes and non-athletes 50 -70 year old men.

Materials and Methods: This is an analytical study. Thirty athletes and thirty non-athletes 50-70 years old men took part in this research. Ghrelin, obestatin and some body composition variables include weight, muscle mass, fat mass, present boy fat and body mass index were measured.

Results: The result of this study showed that muscle mass significantly (p<0.01) and ghrelin insignificantly (p=0.16) were higher in athlete group. In addition percent body fat was lower in athletes group insignificantly (p=0.13). There was negative significant relationship between ghrelin and obestatin with muscle mass and positive significant relationship between ghrelin and obestatin with percent body fat in non-athletes group. There was strong relation between ghrelin and obestatin in both groups.

Conclusion: Regular participating in basketball training can increase muscle mass in 50-70 years old men. It seems that exercise training can delay aging effects on body composition by increasing some anabolic hormones such as ghrelin and growth hormone and it can change relationship between ghrelin, obestatin and some body composition variables.

Ali Gorzi, Leila Taherkhani,
Volume 19, Issue 6 (9-2016)

Background: High intensity training can lead to lower the appetite. So, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of folate supplementation on ghrelin level of stomach and insulin level of serum in male wistar rats during 10 weeks of high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Materials and Methods: Twenty seven male Wistar rats (weight= 203.94±27.34 gr, Age: 9 weeks) after one week familiarization, were randomly divided into four groups: control (n=6), folate supplementation (n=6), (HIIT) (n=7) and HIIT+ folate supplement (n=8). HIIT training protocol started with 30 m/min running on treadmill for 1 min with 10 reps and 2 min active rest at the first week and reached to 75-80 m/min for 1 min with 7 reps and 3 min active rest at last 3 weeks. Acylated ghrelin level of stomach tissue and serum level of insulin were assayed by ELISA kit.

Results: The results of Kruskal-vallis analysis showed that the ghrelin level of stomach was increased significantly (p=0.001) in folate+HIIT in compare with HIIT group. Also, insulin level of serum was decreased significantly (p=0.001) in folate +HIIT in compare with control and HIIT groups.

Conclusion: Based on our results, folate supplementation during high intensity interval training, increased the ghrelin of stomach and decreased the insulin level of serum. So, it seems that folate supplementation can prevent from losing appetite in athletes who train with high intensity training with interval type.

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