Maryam Delphi, Mahsa Bakhit, Mojtaba Tavakoli, Ali Nikkhah, Azadeh Saki,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (4-2013)
Background: ASSR is the latest threshold detection technology in pediatric audiology. The aim of this study is to investigate the degree to which ASSR thresholds correlate with click-ABR thresholds.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 32 children ranging in age from birth to 7 years were evaluated by ASSR and ABR in moderate to severe and severe to profound hearing loss groups.
Results: The correlation coefficients for frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000, mean of 2-4 and mean of 1-4 kHz were between 0.68- 0.90 in moderate to severe hearing loss and 0.79-0.96 in severe to profound hearing loss.
Conclusion: Strong correlations were found between ASSR and click-ABR thresholds in all frequencies. This correlation was greater for higher degrees of hearing loss.