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Showing 15 results for Interval Training

Ahad Shafiee, Mohamadreza Kordi, Abbasali Gaeini, Masoud Soleimani, Amin Nekouei, Vahid Hadidi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (6-2014)

Background: Mir-210 is proangiogenic microRNAis endothelial cells. This microRNA, causes the repression of some genes and proteins target so cause angiogenesis process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Mir-210 and EphrinA3 receptor genes expression in soleus muscles of male rats.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, Twelve Wistar male rats(ageof eightweeks, average weight of 210.5±9.77)were randomly divided into exercise(n=6)and control (n=6) groups. High Intensity Interval Training was formed five days a week for eight weeks to taly including three Intervals (four minutes with an intensityof 90 to 100%VO2max and two minutes with an intensityof 50 to 60%VO2max).24 hours after exercise protocol, the rats were dissected and separated soleusmuscle. Mir-210 and EphrinA3receptor genes expression was performed by Real Time-PCRtechnique. Mir-210 and EphrinA3receptor genes expression were calculated by using the2∆∆CT and in dependentt-test to determine the significance of variables.

Results: Results showed that HIIT there had no significant effects on Mir-210 gene expression (p=0.16) Whe ars EphrinA3 gene expression in the exercise group was statistically significant (p=0.000).

Conclusion: It seems that a non-significant increase of Mir-210 and reduce in EphrinA3 gene expres sion, causes proangiogenic Operation ofendothelial cells and an increase in VO2max of rats following eight weeks of HIIT performance can be due to increased angiogenesis process.

Mohammad Reza Kordi, Amin Nekouei, Ahad Shafiee, 4. vahid Hadidi,
Volume 18, Issue 8 (11-2015)

Background: One of the important adaptations that occurs after exercise is increased capillary density or angiogenesis. Vascular endothelial growth factor, has a mitogenic role for endothelial cells and acts as an important intermediator in the process of angiogenesis. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two kind of endurance training on vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression in healthy male rats.

Materials and Methods: In this laboratory experimental study, 18 male Wistar rats at the age of eight weeks, with an average weight of 210/5± 9/77g were  selected and randomely divided into three groups (control (n=6), ET (n=6) and HIIT (n=6)). Aerobic continuous training was performed 5 days a week, totally in eight weeks for 30 minutes with 70-75% VO2max and high intensity interval training consisted of three periods (four minutes with 90 to100% VO2max and two minutes with 50 to 60% VO2max). Vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression was measured by real time-PCR technique. To determine the significance of variables between these groups, one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc tests were used.

Results: The results showed that the gene expression levels of vascular endothelial growth factor were increased significantly (p=0/006, F=7/243) in intense aerobic continuous and interval training groups compared to control group. Changes in exercise groups compared with each other were not significant.

Conclusion: According to the results of this study, increased levels of vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression in both training groups caused pro-angiogenic function in endothelial cells and an increase in ratsVO2max following eight weeks training may be due to increased angiogenesis process. High intensity interval training may cause faster adaptations in the body of organism than aerobic continuous training.

Mousa Khalafi, Fatemeh Shabkhiz, Karim Azali Alamdari, Afarin Bakhtiyari,
Volume 19, Issue 6 (9-2016)

Background: Irisin is an exercise-induced myokine that is reduced with type 2 diabetes and improves insulin resistance via the browning of white adipose tissues. However, irisin response to two types of exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes is unknown.

Materials and Methods: In this study, 22 diabetic Wistar rats (Induced by high-fat diet and injections Stz) were randomly assigned to 3 groups: high intensity interval exercise (HIIT), low intensity continuous training (LICT) and control (C). Both HIIT and LICT groups trained on the treadmill 5 sessions per week for 8 weeks. Blood samples were taken 24 hours after the last training session and plasma irisin, insulin and glucose levels were measured. ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests were used to analyze data and the level of significance has been considered at p≤0.05.

Results: Data analysis showed that plasma irisin levels in the HIIT group were significantly increased compared to the control group (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between other groups (p>0.05). Plasma glucose in both HIIT and LICT groups was significantly decreased compared to the control group (p<0.05). But plasma insulin levels and insulin resistance index were not different between groups (p>0.05).

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that exercise training can increase plasma irisin in rats with type 2 diabetes. However, these changes are partially dependent on the type of exercise training.

Ali Gorzi, Leila Taherkhani,
Volume 19, Issue 6 (9-2016)

Background: High intensity training can lead to lower the appetite. So, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of folate supplementation on ghrelin level of stomach and insulin level of serum in male wistar rats during 10 weeks of high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Materials and Methods: Twenty seven male Wistar rats (weight= 203.94±27.34 gr, Age: 9 weeks) after one week familiarization, were randomly divided into four groups: control (n=6), folate supplementation (n=6), (HIIT) (n=7) and HIIT+ folate supplement (n=8). HIIT training protocol started with 30 m/min running on treadmill for 1 min with 10 reps and 2 min active rest at the first week and reached to 75-80 m/min for 1 min with 7 reps and 3 min active rest at last 3 weeks. Acylated ghrelin level of stomach tissue and serum level of insulin were assayed by ELISA kit.

Results: The results of Kruskal-vallis analysis showed that the ghrelin level of stomach was increased significantly (p=0.001) in folate+HIIT in compare with HIIT group. Also, insulin level of serum was decreased significantly (p=0.001) in folate +HIIT in compare with control and HIIT groups.

Conclusion: Based on our results, folate supplementation during high intensity interval training, increased the ghrelin of stomach and decreased the insulin level of serum. So, it seems that folate supplementation can prevent from losing appetite in athletes who train with high intensity training with interval type.

Rohullah Ranjbar, Abdolhamid Habibi, Farzaneh Abolfathi, Najeme Nagafian,
Volume 19, Issue 7 (10-2016)

Background: Known inflammatory factors in type II diabetes and complications are delaying adjustment this factor, it is an effective approach in preventing complications.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of eight weeks aerobic interval training on interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 serum levels, in women with type II diabetes.

Materials and Methods: In this study, 18 patients with type II diabetes in Ahvaz city, were randomly divided into the two experimental group (n=10) and control group (n=8). The experimental group did the aerobic interval training and pedaling on the ergometer bicycle with 65 to 80 percent of their maximum leg power for three times a week during the eight weeks. The blood samples were prepared in two pre-test and post-test steps to measure the interleukin-6  and interleukin-10 serum levels through ELISA method.

Results: Statistical analysis showed that after eight weeks of aerobic interval training, interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 serum levels, related to the experimental group had no significant difference in comparison with control group (p>0.05).

Conclusion: The results indicate that doing the aerobic interval training for three times a week during eight weeks with 65 to 80 percent of maximum leg power, it has no effect on inflammatory and anti-inflammatory indices, in women with type II diabetes.

Bahman Hasanvand, Rahman Soori, Sadegh Abbasian, Mahsa Rastegar Moghaddam Mansoori,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (4-2017)


Background: In response to the exercise, variety of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory changes in cytokines were occurred into the tissue spaces and also to the systemic circulation. The purpose of the current study was to determine the effect of three-week intensive interval training on Lipocalin-2 and Interleukin1-β in healthy and adult rat hippocampus.

Materials and Methods: Twenty Wistar rats were divided into training and control groups. Training group performed 15 (bouts) × 4 (min) exercise training for 60 min with 85 to 90% of VO2max used for four sessions/week (for 3 weeks). Then, blood (for ELISA analyzing) and tissue sampling was performed from rat’s hippocampus and they were evaluated by using a Real-Time PCR method. Also, independent and paired t tests were used to define within and between group differences.

Results: Findings showed that gene translations of Lipocalin-2 and Interleukin1-β were significantly decreased in rat’s hippocampus (p=0.0001 and p=0.0001, respectively). Also, similar decreases were shown in serum levels of Lipocalin-2 and Interleukin1-β in rats (p=0.017 and p=0.003, respectively).

Conclusion: It seems that significant decrease of Lipocalin-2 subsequent of short-time intensive interval training is due to decreasing and significant changes in Interleukin1-β. Also, current training protocol on treadmill can significantly decrease levels of Lipocalin-2 and Interleukin1-β in rat serum and hippocampus.

Morteza Salimi Avansar, Abdolsaleh Zar,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (5-2017)


Background: The prevalence of obesity among children is alarmingly rising. Obesity in a chronical inflammatory condition accompanies with inflammatory markers such as Chemerin and CRP; therefore, the aim of this following study is to compare the affection of Endurance & High Intensity Interval Trainings on levels of Chemerin & Protein of C-reactive plasma in obese children.

Materials and Methods: This experimentation included 21 obese children (average weight 61.46±2.5 kg and BMI 7.1±4.31) aging 9-12 years old who were randomly divided into three groups of endurance, HIIT and control (n=7). The training groups performed regular exercises for 8 weeks long (3 sessions in every week). The differences between groups were evaluated using covariance analysis. (p<0.05).

Results: In both training groups, there was a more significant decrease in weight, BMI and body fat percentage than there was before workouts. In HIIT group, we witnessed a significant reduction in level of Chemerin (p=0.016) than before. CRP level was also decreased in both groups, but the changes were not significant.

Conclusion: In summary, 8 weeks of HIIT exercises compared to endurance trainings have greater effect on Chemerin and CRP levels in obese children.

Mahdi Bayati, Reza Gharakhanlou, Maryam Nikkhah, Sadegh Amani Shalamzari,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (6-2018)

Background and Aim: Low-volume, high-intensity interval training (HIT) increase skeletal muscle aerobic capacity, yet little is known about the potential mechanisms in improvement of this adaptability. The purpose of present study was to examine the effect of four weeks of HIT on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein contents in skeletal muscle of active men.
Materials and Methods: Eight active male students voluntarily and purposefully participated in this study. One week before the experiment started; subjects were familiar with protocol of research. Needle biopsy samples vastus lateralis were obtained 48 h before training and 72 h after the final training session. HIT protocol consisted of 11-15 bouts of 1 min cycling at ∼85-90% of reserve heart rate separated by 1 min of active recovery between each, 3 sessions per week for 4 weeks. Variables were measured by ELISA. All data were analyzed using paired t-test and at the level of significance of p ≤ 0.05.
Findings: Results of study showed the four weeks of HIT lead to significant increase in PGC-1α and VEGF (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that activation of VEGF from PGC-1α pathway is part of cellular-molecular mechanisms of high-intensity interval training. So, probably angiogenesis in skeletal muscle is one of the most important factors in improving of aerobic performance, which requires more studies.

Mis Mahnaz Najafi, Mohammad Reza Asad, Mostafa Rahimi, Rahman Souri, Ali Ahvar,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (8-2018)

Background and Aim: The aim of study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) and high intensity interval training (HIIT) on the GLUT4 gene expression in skeletal muscle of obese male rats.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight male Wistar rats with 150 ± 25 grams body weight were divided into base control (n = 6), obese control (n = 6), MICT (n = 8), and (n = 8) HIIT groups as study sample. At the beginning of the study, base control group rats were sacrificed. In other groups, rats underwent high fat regime diet for 8 weeks. After one week of familiarization, rats in training groups run on treadmill for 8 weeks and 5 days per week. Forty-eight hours after the last session, the rats were scarified and gastrocnemius muscle tissue sample were removed. GLUT4 gene expression was measured by Real-Time PCR methods.
Findings: Results indicated that high fat diet for 8 weeks significantly increased rats body weight (p= 0.001), whereas both of MICT and HIIT training significantly decreased body weight (p= 0.001). Moreover, the MICT and HIIT had significant increase in GLUT4 gene expression in gastrocnemius muscle of obese rats (p = 0.001). Although, there were no differences between two experimental groups (p = 0.99).
Conclusion: According to the results, the MICT and HIIT increase gene expression of GLUT4 in mixed muscle fibers in obese rats.

Mohammadreza Zarali, Zaher Etemad, Kamal Azizbeigi, Pouran Karimi,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (8-2020)

Background and Aim Apoptosis or programmed death is active biological process and reversible that the balance between growth and cell death in various tissues, particularly myocardial tissue is essential role. The aim of this study was the effect of 8 weeks High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with and without food restriction on gene expression of Caspase 3 and 9 in rats.
Methods & Materials: This study was experimental multi group design with control group which conducted on 30 rats with two months old male. Subjects were divided in to five homogenous groups including base control, control, caloric restriction, interval exercise training and caloric restriction+interval exercise training. Training groups five sessions in weeks were participated in interval exercise training for 8 weeks. The level of gene expression of the proteins Caspase 3 and 9 was evaluated by Real Time-PCR. Dates were analyzed using the 1-way ANOVA at the level of (P<0.05).
Ethical Considerations: The protocol of this study was approved by the Medical Committee of Sanandaj University of Medical Sciences (Code: IR.MYK.REC.1397.5022).
Results: The results showed that the training group had a significant decrease in gene expression of Caspase 3 in comparison with caloric restriction+exercise training (P<0.05). Also, exercise training and exercise training+caloric restriction significantly decrease in the gene expression of Caspase 9 compared to caloric restriction, base control and control (P<0.05) and significantly decrease in the gene expression of Caspase 3 compared to base control and control (P<0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results, it seems that high intensity interval training with and without calorie restriction provides the necessary adaptations to inhibit or stop apoptosis induced by aerobic exercise. 
Javad Vakili, Vahid Sari Sarraf, Towhid Khanvari,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Background and Aim: Obesity is a clinical condition that affects the growth-related hormonal system, especially in adolescents. High-Intensity Intermittent Training (HIIT) might reduce such destructive effects.
Methods & Materials: In this quasi-experimental research, among adolescent boys [age: 13-18 years, height: 154±8 cm, Body Mass Index (BMI): 27.05±1.4 kg/m²], 30 volunteer subjects were selected. The study participants were divided into 3 groups of short-term and long-term periodic exercises as well as controls. The short-term exercise group performed 9 bouts of 30 seconds with 150-second breaks between sessions; the long-term exercise group performed 4 bouts of 150 seconds with 240-second breaks between sessions 3 times a week for 8 weeks. Body composition and blood samples were obtained 48 hours before and after conducting the training protocol to measure the desired parameters. The changes of each index were analyzed by repeated-measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)  at the significant level of P<0.05.
Ethical Considerations: This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Tabriz University (Code:  IR.TABRIZU.REC.1398.021).
Results: After 8 weeks of HIIT, growth hormone increased and thigh, arm circumference, and fat percentages decreased (P<0.05). However, no changes were detected in the insulin-like growth factor I, BMI, and weight of the examined subjects (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Short- and long-term HIIT have the potential to improve the growth hormone status and body composition of overweight adolescents.
Mis Freshteh Shahidi, Mr Majid Kashef, Mis Zohreh Delfani,
Volume 24, Issue 6 (1-2022)

Background and Aim : Despite progressive improvement in medical therapy and standard care, Exercisebased rehabilitation programs have been shown to to have beneficial cardiovascular effects in patients with myocardial infarction through a multifactorial effect. This review study aimed to evaluate exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation strategies in patients with myocardial infarction with special focus on high intensity interval training, as a growing field of research was conducted.
Material and Methods: This is a systematic review study on articles published, without limitation Year, by searching in reputable databases such as PabMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Scopus, Springer. Also in the process of searching for articles on the keywords microRNAs (miRNA) and myocardial infarction "," cardiac rehabilitation and myocardial infarction "," cardiac rehabilitation and high-intensity interval training  (HIIT) ", high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and Myocardial infarction was used.
Ethical considerations: All Ethical principles in writing this article have been observed  according to the instructions of the National Ethics Committee and the COPE regulations.
Results: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a safe and effective exercise strategy to improve cardiac function in MI, and to prevent abnormal changes in mass, size, geometry, and cardiac function after MI, and Applies significant changes in molecular targets and cell pathway.
Conclusion: Therefore, HIIT targets myocardial necroptosis due to oxidative stress, protects the heart against adverse left ventricular regeneration after MI, and can be considered an integral part of post-MI cardiac rehabilitation programs.

Akram Jokar, Homa Sheikhani Shahin, Mehrzad Moqaddasi, Alireza Jowhari,
Volume 26, Issue 5 (12-2023)

On average, patients suffering from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis after about seven years, their disease turns into fibrosis and reversibility at this stage becomes very difficult because this disease is an irreversible stage of the disease. Fatty liver is non-alcoholic (2). Researches have come to the conclusion that liver inflammation and insulin resistance decrease and insulin sensitivity increases with sports activity (3). TNF-α has a high inflammatory effect; So that different agents and species of this family and their receptors play a role in NASH disease and liver fibrosis (5). However, exercise increases prostaglandins and cAMP. The mentioned hormones inhibit the function of TNF-α (6). On the other hand, anti-inflammatory cytokines increase due to exercise and inhibit the increase of TNF-α. With the increase in production and secretion of TNF-α, other inflammatory factors such as TGF-β1 signaling are activated and fibrosis signaling will start in liver cells (5). TGF-β1 (Transforming growth factor beta 1) is one of the members of the large family of transforming growth factors beta (TGF-β) and a key cytokine in obesity and insulin resistance (7). In a research, during 48 weeks of applying a high-fat diet to rats, they found that steatosis occurs in the liver of rats from the eighth week onwards, and the amount of TGF-β1 in them increased significantly. In the end, they came to the conclusion that this factor can be one of the main characteristics of determining the degree of liver fibrosis in patients with NASH (10). High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the new training models whose positive effects have been identified in a variety of metabolic diseases (13). On the other hand, there are very few researches about the effect of aquatic environment and swimming on the improvement of metabolism and inflammation in NASH patients. Based on the results of a systematic review in 2018, it was shown that endurance exercise in water improved systemic inflammation and weight control (18). Despite the conflicting results in this field and the beneficial effects of exercise in water and also human's innate interest in water, the effect of high-intensity interval exercise in water in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis has not been observed by the researchers of this study. Therefore, the effect of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training in water on inflammatory factors in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis was investigated.
Materials and methods

In this study, eight-week-old rats were divided into two groups: healthy (n=20) and high-fat diet (HFD) (n=20). After eight weeks and proof of disease induction, the HFD group was randomly divided into two groups: control-disease (n=9) and exercise-disease (n=9); Also, the healthy group was divided into two groups: control-healthy (n=9) and exercise-healthy (n=9). The rats in the training group performed HIIT swimming training, including 20 times of 30 seconds of swimming with 30 seconds of rest between each time, for eight weeks (three days a week). One-way ANOVA and Bonferroni's post hoc test (P<0.05) were used to determine the difference between groups.
Ethical Considerations
The proposal of this study has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (IR.SUMS.REHAB.REC.1400.008).
As shown in diagram 1; Based on the results of the one-way analysis of variance test, it can be said that there was a significant difference between the mean TNF-α blood serum (P=0.001). According to the results of Bonferroni's post hoc test, these differences in blood serum TNF-α variable between the control-healthy and control-disease groups (P=0.001), exercise-disease (P=0.001) and exercise-healthy (P=0.002), control-disease with exercise-disease (P=0.012) and exercise-healthy (P=0.001), exercise-healthy with exercise-disease (P=0.002) was.
According to graph 2, it can be seen that there is no significant difference in TGFβ1 variable in all four groups (p=0.068). However, by comparing the averages, it is found that the amount of TGFβ1 protein has decreased by 49.1968% in the patient-exercise group after high-intensity intermittent swimming exercise compared to the control-patient group. Meanwhile, this protein in the exercise-healthy group was reduced by 45.2741% compared to the control-patient. Figure 1 shows the protein bands related to TGFβ1 protein.
Discussion and conclusion: The results of the present research showed that high-intensity intermittent swimming exercises reduce inflammatory and fibrotic factors, and in general, it can be concluded that eight weeks of high-intensity intermittent swimming exercises improve the inflammatory and fibrotic factors associated with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. . However, to obtain a definitive result, this type of exercise should be studied in human studies in this patient community.
Appreciation and thanks: This article is taken from the master's thesis in sports physiology (first author) of Zand Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, with ethics code IR.SUMS.REHAB.REC.1400.008. In the end, we sincerely thank all friends and colleagues who helped us during the stages of this research.
Conflict of interest:The authors of this article have no mutual benefit from its publication.
Authors' share (participation rate): All four authors participated in the preparation of this article.
Key words: high-intensity swimming interval training, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, tumor necrosis factor alpha, transforming growth factor beta

Hadi Goudarzi, Ali Heidarianpour, Maryam Keshvari,
Volume 27, Issue 2 (5-2024)

Introduction: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disorder in industrialized societies. As an appetite inhibitory and energy balance regulator, nesfatin-1 plays a substantial role in the pathogenesis of obesity-related abnormalities. This study was conducted to determine the effects of 12 weeks of combined training (resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT)) on the serum levels of nesfatin-1 and some liver enzymes in men with NAFLD.
Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 20 middle-aged men with NAFLD were randomly divided into two exercise and control groups. The exercise program included 12 weeks of combined training, featuring two sessions per week of resistance training and one session of HIIT. Body weight, body mass index (BMI), nesfatin-1 peptide, liver enzymes (ALT, AST, and ALP), lipid profile, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), and body fat percentage at the beginning and after 12-weeks were evaluated. Independent and dependent t-tests were analyzed to assess intra-group and inter-group differences, and the significance level was
P < 0.05.

Results: 12 weeks of combined resistance training and HIIT increased nesfatin-1 and decreased liver enzymes ALT, AST, and ALP in the exercise group compared to the control group and the pre-training stage (P < 0.05). We also observed an increase in VO2 max and a decrease in body weight, BMI, body fat percentage, and LDL in the exercise group compared to before starting the training protocol (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that performing combined exercise training for twelve weeks led to an increase in nesfatin-1 peptide levels and a decrease in liver enzymes. It was suggested that this could be a cost-effective therapeutic approach recommended for patients with NAFLD.
Mohammad Ali Gharaat,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Introduction: Physical activity causes cardiac hypertrophy by a non-pathological change in cardiac structure, called physiological hypertrophy. Several molecular changes are involved in this process. Insulin-like growth hormone-1 (IGF-1) is an important hormone involved in hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes. Also, the role of GATA4 as a possible gene involved in cardiac hypertrophy is controversial. Therefore, the present study was conducted to find the effect of aerobic and interval training on IGF-1, GATA4 gene, and cardiac tissue.
Methods: Eighteen male Wistar rats (243.72 ± 23.41 g) were randomly divided into control, aerobic, and interval training groups (n = 6). The aerobic group trained for 8 weeks/4 days a week/38 minutes/ 65% of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max). The intermittent group trained 8 weeks/4 days a week/5 set/4 minutes/85-90% of VO2 max running with 2 minutes rest between the sets. The weight of the heart and left ventricle, IGF-1 concentration, and GATA4 gene expression were measured 48 hours after the training. The evaluation was conducted with a one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc test at a significance level of 0.05.
Results: The weight of the heart and left ventricle increased significantly in trained groups. IGF-1 and GATA4 gene expression increased in both the training groups than the control group.
Conclusions: Aerobic and Interval training increases IGF-1, GATA4 gene, left ventricle, and heart weight. Considering the shorter time interval training takes, it seems that interval training is more beneficial than aerobic training.

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