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Showing 1 results for Workshop

Dr Ali Chehrei, Dr Manijeh Kahbazi, Dr Bahman Salehi, Dr Afsaneh Zarganj-Fard, Dr Fatemeh Darreh, Dr Parvin Soltani, Dr Ashraf Zamani, Dr Mohammad Khalili, Dr Afsaneh Noroozi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2006)

Introduction: Performing correct research in different aspects of community as well as medical sciences can be a way to resolve many problems. In order to create a systematic knowledge of research method in academic members of Arak University of medical sciences and enabling them in providing proposals and performing researches, a clinical research center was developed. This study is done to investigate the effect of this center on improving clinical researches in the University. Materials and methods: This is a HSR, before and after, interventional study in which, clinical academic members of Arak University of medical science were evaluated. First the information of the pre intervention period was gathered (jan2002-jan2004). Then the intervention was done in the form of developing a research center in Vali-Asr hospital, performing serial research workshops, research conferences, research consultations and planning data bases during a 2 years period. Again data was gathered and then compared to those of pre intervention period. Results: The comparison of pre and post intervention periods showed that in pre intervention period from 38 proposals 30 and in post intervention period from 89 proposals 76 were approved by research committee of the University. In the two pre and post intervention periods 14(46.6%) and 50(65.8%) of accepted proposals were clinical respectively. Also from the view point of quality, 11 and 15 proposals were HSR, 2 and 22 clinical trials and 8 and 8 descriptive, respectively. The number of published articles in first period was 45 and in second 84. Presented articles in internal and external congresses were 33 and 59 in the two periods overally, which 25 and 51 articles were presented in the country and 8 and 8 in abroad congresses, respectively. Conclusion: Regarding the results it seems developing research center in this University and other similar Universities can have a significant effect on the process of clinical researches.

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