Goudarzi H, Rezaee H, Rafizadeh M, Mirsamadi E, Mirsamadi A. The frequency of cagA gene of H.pylori isolated from biopsy specimen in Tehran during 2008-2010. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2012; 15 (5) :42-48
1- medical faculty, medical university
2- medical faculty, medical university , h_rezaee101@yahoo.com
Abstract: (11281 Views)
Background: H.pylori is one of the most common chronic bacterial infections in population so more than 85 percent are infected in Iran. H.pylori can cause different gastrointestinal disease like gastritis, peptic ulcers and even cancer. One of the effective factors in pathogenesis of bacteria is cytotoxin associated with gene A (cagA). Strains with cagA gene are more virulent. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of cagA gene of H.pylori in patients with gastric disorders who were admitted to Imam Hossein Hospital, Tehran. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, DNA was extracted from 84 paraffin- embedded tissues using QiaAmp tissue kit. H.pylori was verified with PCR of 16sRNA sequences specific for Helicobacter spices and cagA gene was determined using specific primer by the PCR method. The prevalence of cagA gene in three clinical groups gastritis, gastric ulcer, and atrophic patients was compared. Results: Among 84 H.pylori positive isolates ,72 biopsy samples were positive for 16sRNA (85.7%) and 46 (63.9%) for cagA. The prevalence of cagA positive strains in peptic ulcer patients (43.5%) was greater than in those with gastritis (30%). Conclusion: Results showed that Helicobacter pylori strains with cagA are more common in patients with peptic ulcer and cancer.
Basic Sciences Received: 2011/09/28 | Accepted: 2011/12/20