Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2008)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2008, 11(3): 49-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Zand S, Zamani A. The effect of some simple exercises and correct daily activity in prevention of backache in pregnancy period. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2008; 11 (3) :49-54
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-202-en.html
1- , Slmnzand@ yahoo.com
Abstract:   (15191 Views)
Background: Backache is a common problem in pregnancy period . Scientists believe that some simple exercise can help to prevent the occurrence of backache during their pregnancy period. Thus, this research carried out in order to investigate the effect of some simple exercises and correct daily activity in prevention of backache in pregnancy period. Methods and Materials: This is a clinical trial study that was carried out on 138 of pregnant women .The first group including 66 women which considered as control group and treatment group including 72 women. The research had four stages: 1) stage of taking history. 2) Arrange a teaching program. 3) stage of performance( In case group samples were done 60 minutes aerobic exercises for 3 days a week for the 30 weeks undersupervision a physiotherapist). 4) Assessment the results. Data were analyzed by SPSS for statistical analysis. Results: According to the result 18.2% of woman that were under treatment and 36.6% of control group, suffered from backache. Chi-square test showed significant differences between two groups. In addition Odd ratio of treatment population was 2(CI%95 = 4/04-1/91 & p<0/05). Conclusion: The result showed simple exercises during pregnancy period can not eliminate backache, but it can decrease delay backach.
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Subject: General
Received: 2009/03/4

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