, Jamshidsa@yahoo.com
Abstract: (23793 Views)
Introduction: Typhlitis is a complication in GI tract specially in ileum and cecum due to sever prolonged neutropenia. The syndrome usually occurs in patients with leukaemia who take aggressive chemotherapy or in solid tumor treated with taxane base regimen. The syndrome is accompanied with neutropenia, fever, generalized abdominal pain specially in right lower quadrant and probably a mass in this area. Case: The patient is a 44 year old man which was presented with enlargement of right testes since two months ago. In sonographic evaluation of testes a mass was defined and surgery was done for him, which pathologic result was seminoma. Staging workup was done and in CT Scan a lymph node with size of 35 mm was detected in paracaval area . According to this result the patient received chemotherapy with Cisplatin and Etoposide. One day after completion of chemotherapy he developed abdominal pain , fever and bloody diarrhea and referred to hospital and admitted with diagnosis of typhlitis. Conclusion: Typhlitis is not restricted to a complication of leukaemia treatment or taxane base chemotherapy and other cytotoxic drugs can induce this problem. On the other hand, neutropenia and typhlitis can occur immediately after chemotherapy in sensitive patient and so the time of nadir value of white blood cell is too short.
General Received: 2009/03/10