1- , p.mafi@aol.com
Abstract: (45793 Views)
Introduction: Many progresses has been made in the field of digital replantation which is based on progresses in microsurgery and surgeons skills in hand trauma. In this study, procedure and results of 97 digital replantatios are investigated. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study 66 patients with 97 amputated fingers, who underwent replantation were studied. Only completely amputated fingers were studied and fingers with even the least connection to the proximal stump by a skin bridge were omitted from the study. Amputations were at the level or distal to the MCP joint. Results: Success rate of replantation was %57.7 which is 56 fingers from the total of 97 fingers. 58 patients were male and 8 female. Patients age was between 9-52 years. The total hospitalization period was 3-5 days for unsuccessful and 12-16 days for successful replantations. After the operation, Aspirin was used as the anticoagulant and heparin was used only after reexploration or in severe crushing injuries or in cases with vein graft use. Type of surgery and postoperative care was the same in all patients. Conclusion: Based on the results, it seems some reasons of lower success rate in our study in comparison to other countries are wrong transportation method of the amputed fingers and delay in patient transportation. Also surgeons, skill in plastic surgery seems to be effective.
General Received: 2009/03/12