Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2006)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2006, 9(4): 100-106 | Back to browse issues page

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Yousefi P, Dorre F, Cyrus A. Evaluation the causes of hydronephrosis in children under 12 years old with UTI or failure to thrive, visiting Amir Kabir hospital of Arak, November 2004 to August 2005. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2006; 9 (4) :100-106
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-276-en.html
1- , Fatemeh_ Dorre @ yahoo.com
Abstract:   (39789 Views)
Introduction: Hydronephrosis in infancy and childhood is a frequent urinary malformation. We were unable to find any reports concerning rate and causes of hydronephrosis in Iranian children therefore, we decided to evaluate it, in under 12 years old children. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive study done in a 9-month period starting from Novemger 2004. All children under 12 years old who had visited Amir Kabir hospital of Arak for UTI or FTT were enlisted and an ultrasonography was requested. If hydronephrosis was detected, then a VCUG was performed. For those with normal VCUG results, if hydronephrosis persisted in the follow up sonography, the next step was an IVP or DTPA scan. Results: 65 patients (39 girls and 26 boys) were evaluated for hydronephrosis. 18.5% presented with FTT , 75.4% with UTI and 6.1% with FTT+UTI. The most prevalent causes of hydronephrosis were VUR (40%) and UPJO (23.5%). Grade I hydronephrosis was the most prevalent form (65%), however when VUR was present , it was mostly grades III or IV (27% and 19% respectively). 70% of girls and 31% of boys had VUR and the average age at the time of diagnosis was 2-3 years. Conclusion: Vesicouretero reflux and UPJO are the most prevalent causes of hydronephrosis and must be evaluated in children with hydronephrosis.
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Subject: General
Received: 2009/04/7

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