Mosayebi M, Ghaznavi E, Dalimi A, Moazeni M, Mosayebi G, Khazaii M. Typing of HLA class I and II in Hydatid patients by micro-lymphocytotoxicity in Arak-Iran. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2006; 9 (3) :82-89
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Abstract: (19285 Views)
Introduction: There is difference between susceptibility or resistance to infectious diseases such as cystic and alveolar Eclinococcosis in human and animals, that is due to the difference between individual host factors and immunologic responses. This study is done to investigate the resistance and susceptibility markers (HLA) in Hydatid patients and healthy persons. Materials and Methods: This analythical (case-control) study is carried out on 60 patients with confirmed cystic echinococcosis and 30 healthy individuals living in Arak. Blood samples were gathered and tested by microlymphocytotoxicity method. At first diagnostic kits with specific antiserusms for each antigen (28 antigens) were provided and then lymphocytes were separated. After dye and stabling with formalin and based on cells morphology, results were seen by invert microscope. Data was analyzed using Odds Ratio, Relative Risk, Preventive Fraction, Aetiologic Fraction and Chi square test. Results: Results showed that HLA-A1 was significantly higher in patients (p<0.05), and people having this antigen are more susceptible for the infection. In spite, HLA-A10 was higher is healthy individuals (p<0.05) and have a preventive effect in disease involvement. Other investigated antigens had no signigicant difference in the two groups. For more accurate results molecular investigation is needed. Conclusion: In individuals having HLA-A1 there is more chance for cyst growth in confronting hydatosis and this individuals are more susceptible to the disease. But in individuals having HLA- A10 there is less chance for cyst growth in confronting hydatosis and this antigen have a preventive effect against hydatid cyst.
General Received: 2008/09/10