Baghcheghi N, Koohestani H R. The Comments of nursing educators about reasons and reduction strategies of medication errors in nursing students in Arak University of Medical Sciences, 2008. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2010; 12 (4) :1-8
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Abstract: (20509 Views)
Abstract Background: Medication errors in healthcare professionals can threat the health of patient seriously. The purpose of this study is to investigate the comments of nursing educators about reasons and reduction strategies of medication errors in nursing students. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was done in 2008. Statistical population was included educators of nursing students in Arak nursing and midwifery school through census method, 22 nursing educators were studied. For data gathering, a self- made questionnaire including two sections of demographic information and questions about reasons and reduction strategies of medication errors in nursing students, was used. Results: Respectively 50% and 100% of nursing educators have observed at least one occurred and were occurring medication errors. The most common causes of medication errors were lake of pharmacological information, poor drug calculation skills and illegible medication orders in drug card. Conclusion: The rate of medication errors in nursing students was high. It seems some causes like lake of pharmacological information and drug calculation, have associate with their education. Using these results, we can find the weaknesses of student or the educational system and resolve them
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Original Atricle |
Nursing Received: 2009/07/5