1- , Rezanouri51@yahoo.com
Abstract: (16593 Views)
Introduction: Cecal volvulus is an emergency surgical acute abdomen. In this condition cecum, ileum terminal and ascending colon becomes twisted on its mesenteric anticlock wise direction rotation ranging 180-360 degrees. The cecal volvulus is caused by a lack of fixation of cecum to retroperitoneum. The usual presentation consists of severe colicky abdominal pain with asymmetric abdominal distension. In this article two cases of cecal volvulus are presented. Cases: The first case was a 74 year old female which presented with sudden abdominal pain & asymmetrical severe distension following 3 days constipation. After Plain abdominal x-ray and abdominal CT scan, right hemicolectomy was performed. The second case was a 70 year old female who following 4 days constipation was presented with abdominal pain and distension. Supine and erect abdominal x-ray showed colon hyperaeration and multiple air-fluid levels. The gangrenous colon was resected and colostomy was done. Conclusion: Despite other causes of intestinal obstruction or sigmoid volvulus which can sometimes be treated medically, the treatment of cecal volvolus is always surgery and consisted of cecum and ascending colon resection.
Type of Study:
Case Report |
Health Received: 2009/09/30