Jamilian M, Mashadi E, Sarmadi F, Banijamali M, Farhadi E, Ghanatpishe E. Frequancy of vulvovaginal Candidiasis species in nonpregnant 15-50 years old women in spring 2005 in Arak. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2007; 10 (2) :7-14
1- , mjamilian@yahoo.com
Abstract: (21885 Views)
Introduction: Candidiasis is the second common cause of vulvovaginitis. We evaluate the frequency of species of Candida in vaginal candidiasis. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional anaiythical study, 220 patients with typic and nontypic signs and symptoms of vaginal Candidiasis were studied. Smear and culture were done. For positive culture, evaluation of germ tube, clamidospor production and carbohydrate assimilation and fermentation was done. Data was presented by descriptive statistics and analyzed using Chi square, Man-Whitney and Kolmogrov tests. Results: 40% of patients showed positive culture and smear. Frequancy of Candida Albicanse (42.03%), Dublininsis (29.5%), Glaberata (14.75%), Gilermondy (6.81%), Norvejensis (2.27%), Tropicalis (2.27%), and Kefayer (2.27%) were determined. There was no significant relationship between antibiotic and OCP consumption and type of identified Candida. Conclusion: Frequency of non Albicanse species is increasing. We suggest treatment based on culture and smear, because non Albicanse vaginitis usually is resistant to Azols.
General Received: 2008/08/4