, dr_Amini@yahoo.com
Abstract: (18377 Views)
Introduction: Bronchogenic cysts are rare congenital lesions which originate from ventral foregut and most commonly originated in the central mediastinum. They rarely have symptoms and at the time of diagnosis they usually are large, infectious or complicated. In this study a case report of bronchogenic cyst is reported. Case: The patient to be presented is a 47 years old man with sudden onset of chest pain, severe dyspnea, tachypnea and decreasing right lung sounds. Symptoms of pneumotorax were observed in lung radiography. The patient was treated by inserting chest-tube, but there was no response to the treatment. Urgent thoracotomy was performed. A large single bronchogenic cyst was detected in the right lung parenchyma attached to intermediate bronchus. Complete resection was performed. According to the pathology report, pneumothorax was developed secondary to rupture of the bronchogenic cyst. Conclusion: Lung parenchyma is not a common area for developing bronchogenic cyst but it has special importance because of it's severe complications. Since exact diagnosis is not always possible before surgery, it is necessary to perform resection in all suspicious cases.
General Received: 2008/09/29