Palizvzn M, Khademi S, Ghazavi A, Mosayebi G. Correlation of two way active avoidance learning with Nitric Oxide and Ferric reduction/antioxidant power in rats. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2006; 9 (4) :1-8
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Abstract: (21130 Views)
Introduction: Oxidative stress may play a critical role in neurodegenerative disorders but the relation between oxidative stress and learning ability in normal rats is not investigated, so the aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between oxidative stress and two way active avoidance learning in Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: This is an experimental research. 14 Wistar rats were assigned for assessed learning ability in shuttle box. One day after shuttle box learning, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood samples were obtained. Concentration of Nitric Oxide and Ferric reduction/antioxidant power were assessed. Data was analyzed using Pearson correlation test. Results: The results of the present study demonstrate that there are positive correlation between shuttle box learning ability and Ferric reduction/antioxidant power (p<0.001, r =0.66 4) and Nitric Oxide concentration (p<0.001, r = 0.724) in serum, but not in CSF. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that high concentration of antioxidant power and Nitric Oxide concentration in blood can improve shuttle box learning in rats
General Received: 2008/09/30