1- Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran.
Abstract: (1468 Views)
In this study 2510 neonates from 2465 pregnancies (2420 single fetus, 44 twins and Triplets) in Taleghani Hospital of Arak have investigated for 4 months. Any type of evident anomaly at time of the deliveries that diagnosed by reasercher has accepted as an anomaly only when it confirmed by podiatrist. Thus the overall congenital anomaly incidence was 1.04%. The congenital anomaly incidence in the male neonates (1.34%) was about two items more than female neonates(0.72%). But the differences between them is not significant ( P=0.0.26) The congenital anomaly incidence in neonates with gestational age aqual to or above the 38 weeks was 0/89% .The difference between them was significant(p=0.0042). The congenital anomaly incidence in neonates with body weight below 2500 gr was 2.59% and and in neonates with body weight equal to or above the 2500% gr was 0.91%.The difference between them is significant(P=0.0264). Between the congenital anomaly incidence in neonates by then maternal age and pariety aren’t significant difference. The difference between anomalies incidence in single fetus deliveries and multiple fetus in significant(p=0.0244). The congenital anomaly incidence in neonates with relative parents was 2.14% and in other newborns was 0.9% .The difference between them significant (P<0.005)
Type of Study:
Review Article |
Obstetrics & Gynocology Accepted: 1997/09/23