Chehrei A, Danayi N, Birashk B. Establishment of Knowledge Level about the Ways of Transmission and Prevention of AIDS in 15-50-Year-Old People in Arak & Simnan. J Arak Uni Med Sci 1999; 2 (9) :6-13
1- Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2- Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran.
3- Department of Psychiatry, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (1223 Views)
Nowadays AIDS represents as a major problem in the world due to the lack of its cure, The best way to fight against AIDS is prevention and the way for prevention is to give health education to the people. The education proves fruitful only when it would be based on the realities of the society; and to reach this goal we have to collect the information present for the society for this purpose steps have been taken to investigate about the health information in the society. This research has been performed cross- sectionally. The data collection was based on the questionarre with multiple chocie questions (MCQ) and initially flowchart was drawn and marks were given according to the opinions of the teachers, also reliability and continuous validity was calculated in this pilot study. The sample size was composed of 1900 participants. The sampling was mulitistaged, where the first stage was stratified and the second was clustering. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS. During the research the researchers acted upon the medical ethics. Among the cases taken into consideration 55/6% were males and 46.2% were females and the mode of age group ranged from 20 to 29 years. Also the ratio of married to unmarried was 36.2%, 63.8%. The highest marks obtained were 105 and the mean level of knowledge among the participants was 24.93(23.17-26.81). This information level did not differ too much among different groups. The unmarried cases had much more information than the married ones(p<0.0001, eta=0.49), but remarkable distinction (p<0.0001) was noted among different occupational groups. According to the results the people of Simnan & Arak held the low information level especially about the second and third levels of prevention. With respect to the wide spectrum of knowledge about prevention of AIDS in the society, the initial step is to intervence through general method telecommunication newspapers etc. and then, on the occupational basis divide them into smaller educational groups giving special education.
Type of Study:
Original Atricle |
Oncology Accepted: 1999/09/23