Volume 4, Issue 2 (Summer 2001)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2001, 4(2): 28-32 | Back to browse issues page

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Kahbazi M. Prevalence of Hypoglycemia in Low Birth Weight Newborns in Taleghani of Arak From March to August 1999. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2001; 4 (2) :28-32
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-6658-en.html
Faculty of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran.
Abstract:   (1430 Views)
Hypoglycemia  is  one  of  the  most  common  preventable  and  curable  metabolic  disorders, especially  seen  in  low  birth  weight  infants. About  80%  of  hypoglycemic  conditions  are  asymptomatic  or  the  symptoms  will  present  between  the  third  to  fifth  days  after  birth  that  infants  are  discharged  from  the  hospital. However  even  in  asymptomatic  cases, hypoglycemia  has  exposed  the  infant  to  sever  defects  of  nervous  system  development  which  these  defects  depended  on  duration  and  severity of  hypoglycemia  will  be  remained  as  reduction  of  head  circumference  and  psychomotor  disorders  for  child  especially  in  3  to  5  years  old. We  studied  284  LBW  infants  that  about  5.2%  of  them  were  hypoglycemic  in  the  first  24  hours  after  birth. (Blood  glucose  was  less  than  30, g/dl). About  80%  of  cases  were  asymptomatic. 20%  of  showed  were  symptomatic  such  as  hypotonia, generalixed  convulsion  with  apena  and  total  cyanosis.  These  infants  were  of  twin  pregnancy  or  Cesarian  section. We  also  studied  infants  based  on  gestational  age. (Preterm &  IUGR) The  prevalence  of  hypoglycemia  in  preterm  infants  was  2.3%  and  6.6%  in  IUGR  infants. There was  no  significant  relation  between  the  sex  and  incidence  of  hypoglycemia . The most  common  prevalence  of  hypoglycemia  were  seen  in  infants  with  body  weight  between  1500 -2000  grams.
Full-Text [PDF 661 kb]   (387 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Atricle | Subject: Pediatrics
Accepted: 2001/06/22

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