Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2001)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2001, 4(4): 42-48 | Back to browse issues page

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Farokhifar M, Gafarian Shirazi H R, Yazdanpanah S. Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nursing Staff About Nosocomial Infection Control in Bushehr. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2001; 4 (4) :42-48
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-6686-en.html
1- Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran.
Abstract:   (1380 Views)
Introduction: Nosocomial  infection  is  responsible  of  over  20.000  mortality  in  year  and  about  60%  admission  in  hospital  cause  nosocomial  infection. Thus  it  is  necessary  to  evaluate  attitude, knowledge  and  practice  of  nursing  staff  about  prevention  of  it.
Materials  and  Methods: In  this  study, 100  nursing  staff of  teaching  hospitals  in  Bushehr  were  selected  in  a  multistaging  random  sampling. A  questionnaire  used  for  determination  of  attitude, knowledge  subjects  and  practice  was  assessed  by  check  list  which  reliability  and  validity  of  it  assessed  by  pilot  study. The  questioner  had  15  questions  of  attitude  based  on  likret  scale. In  data  analysis  of  attitude  scores  aet  in  rang  of  15-75, the  high  scores  indicate  positive  attitude  and  the  lowest  scores  indicate  negative  attitude. The results  divided  in  to  three  group:  negative, positive  and  no  idea  and  showed  that  most  staff  had  positive  attitude(85.5%) about  infection  control. In  analysis  of  knowledge  and  practice  scores, score  100  consider  the  highest  level  and  below  50  no  acceptance.
Results: Showed  that  44%  nursing  staff  had  optimal  knowledge  related  to  nosocomial  infection  and  most  of  them  practice  poor  inprocedures  such  as  change  dressing (84%), tracheal suctioning (81%), bladder catheterization (83%)  and  change  venous  site (78%. There  was  seen  statistical  relationship  between  knowledge  and  academic  degree,  position, and  years  in  practice. The  last  variable  had  negative  relationship  (p<0.01, r=-0.276). In  addition  there  was  seen  relationship  between  practice  and  experience  in  critical  care  unit, family  history  of  infection  disease  and  participation  in  teaching  session (p<0.01)
Conclusion: This  study  results  showed  poor  knowledge  and  practice  of  nursing  staff  nosocomial  infection  control  in  study  society  and  must  be  attention  to  it  in  this  group  and  similar  societies.
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Type of Study: Original Atricle | Subject: psychology
Received: 2021/01/19 | Accepted: 2001/12/31

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