Asilian A, Farinam M, Kiani A. The Efficacy of Mohs Micrographic Surgery in Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma in Isfahan Al-Zahra Hospital From September 1999 to March 2003. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2002; 5 (4) :22-27
1- Assistant professor, Department of Dermatology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan,Iran.
2- Assistant professor, Department of Dermatolngy, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
3- Assistant professor, Departement of Dermatology, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran.
Abstract: (2668 Views)
Introduction: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common malignancy in humans. A number of treatment modalities are available. We performed this study in order to determine the efficacy of Mohs micrographic surgery in treatment of basal cell carcinoma.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective descriptive study was performed on 194 basal cell carcinoma (in 175 patients) were treated in Isfahan Al-Zahra Hospital from september 1999 to March 2003 with Mohs micrographic surgery. Data were obtained from patient's files and were analized by SPSS software.
Results: Of the 175 patients (with 194 basal cell carcinomas), 110 (62.85%) paticnls were male and 65 patients (37.14%) were females. The mean age of patients was 58±12.38 years. The majority of tumors were located on face and scalp. 180 of tumors were primary and 14 were recurrences. 17% of tumors were larger than 2cm. Recurrences of the tumor occured in 3 patients. The cosmetic results were excellent and good in 81%. The incidence of recurrnce rate was 0.9%.
Conclusion: Kecurrence rate is low when basal cell carcinomas treated with micrographic surgery so this treatment modality (when indicated) is also strongly recommended in Iran for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma.
Type of Study:
Original Atricle |
Oncology Received: 2021/01/23 | Accepted: 2002/12/31