Volume 7, Issue 2 (Summer 2004)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2004, 7(2): 13-19 | Back to browse issues page

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Roozbahani N, Akbari Torkestani N, Gazerani N. Study of the Relationship Between Preterm Labor and Consuming Fruit and Vegetable Before and During Pregnancy. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2004; 7 (2) :13-19
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-6787-en.html
Abstract:   (1334 Views)
Introduction:  Oxydative  stress may  cause  preterm  labor.  Antioxidants  found  in  fruit  and  vegetable  prevent  the  oxidative  stress  reaction.  In  this  study  we  intend  to  answer  the  question: Is  any  correlation  between  preterm  delivery  and  use  of  fruit  and  vegetable  before  and  during  pregnancy?
Materials  and  Methods:  It  is  a  case  control  study  in  which  43  women  with  preterm  delivery  and  86  women  with  term  delivery  who  delivered  in  Arak  maternity  hospital  were  selected  randomly. (sample  size  was  calculated  with  α=5%, β=20%). The  two  groups  were  matched  for  socioeconomic  status, maternal  age , gravid  and  vitamin  supplement  consumption.  Data  was  collected  with  a  questionnaire  that  includes  demographic information, and  use  of  fruit  and  vegetable (proportion  in  week )  during  the  three  month before  and  second  trimester  in  pregnancy.  SPSS software  and  K-S, t (pooled), Mann-Whitney, Chi  square  and  logistic  regression  were  used  to  analyze  the  data.
Results: This  study  showed  that  the  mean  use  of  fruit  and  vegetable  consumption  calculated  during  the  three  month  time  before  pregnancy  was  20.64±2.48  in control  group  and  32.23±1.52  in  case  group  and  the  relationship  was  significant  (p<0.00001)  and  the mean.
Use  during  the  second  trimester  was  21.84±4.75  and  34.84±5.58  in  case  and  control  groups  respectively  that  was  significant  (p<0.00001). Accuracy, sensitivity  and  specificity  of  regression  model  were  90%, 87% and  91/9%  respectively.
Conclusion: This  study  showed  that  fruit  and  vegetable  consumption  is  related  to  the  decreased  incidence  of  preterm  labor. Based on  our  model, preterm  labor  can  be  prevented  and  predicted  with  enough  consumption  of  fruit  and  vegetables.
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Type of Study: Original Atricle | Subject: Basic Sciences
Received: 2021/01/27 | Accepted: 2004/06/30

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