Yousefi P, Cyrus A, Dorreh F, Ahmadi M. Comparing the sacral ratio in children with various degrees of vesicoureteral reflux with children without reflux. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2007; 10 (3) :94-100
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Abstract: (20144 Views)
Introduction: Children with reflux who fail prophylaxis management or reflux which do not resolve spontaneously are candidates for sugery. Delay in surgery increases the development of new renal scars. Finding a modal factor for prediction of reflux resolution likelihood can decrease complications of treatments. Regarding that sacral bone anomalies have a direct influence on the final function of urinary and bowel systems, this study is done to investigate the relationship between sacral ratio and reflux. Materials and Methods: This is a case-control study. The case group included 76 children less than 9 years old refered to Vali-e-Asr and Amir Kabir hospital clinics with urinary tract infection and according to voiding cystouretrograply (VCUG) results, children with III, IV and V grade vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) entered the study. The control group included 76 children with previous urinary tract infection and normal VCUG. Sacral ratio in the two groups was measured and was compared by student t, Chi square and Mann Whitney tests. Results: The case group included 24 males and 52 females with average age of 2.7 years old and the control group included 23 males and 53 females with the average age of 3 years. The percent of sacral ratio abnormality were 40% and 23.7% in the case and control groups respectively, which was significantly different (p=0.001). The difference between the mean sacral ratio in case group with the value of 80% and the control group with the value of 84% was not different. The ratio distribution pattern in the two groups was not different. Conclusion: The percent of sacral ratio abnormality in children with vesicoureteral reflux were more than children without reflux.
General Received: 2008/10/18