Volume 27, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2024, 27(1): 1-4 | Back to browse issues page

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Asghari M, Azizi M. Fire Safety in Hospitals: A Vital Requirement and Unavoidable Necessity. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2024; 27 (1) :1-4
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-7789-en.html
1- Department of Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, School of Health, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran , asghari.m16323@gmail.com
2- Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Health, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
Abstract:   (350 Views)
Lack of preparation for fires can lead to irreversible damage. Therefore, fire prevention is crucial in effectively managing this risk. It is essential to implement measures to address fire incidents. Fire safety in hospital is particularly critical due to factors like the presence of disabled individuals who may not be familiar with emergency exit points, as well as the specialized medical equipment present. Fires in hospitals can result in extensive harm, including injuries to staff and patients, a loss of trust in local authorities, and the subsequent failure to deliver adequate healthcare services. Adhering to fire safety principles and fundamentals can help mitigate the impact of fires in all locations, especially medical facilities.
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Type of Study: Editorial | Subject: Health
Received: 2024/08/16 | Accepted: 2024/08/28

1. Kurd H, Valipour F, Zaroushani V, Pourtaghi G, Malmir Z. Fire pathology in a military hospital using the FRAME technique [in Persian]. J Milit Med. 2021;23(5):424-34 .DOI: 10.30491/JMM.23.5.424
2. Fazel M, Ardalan A, Ostad Taghizadeh A, Yaghoubi T. Investigating fire protection condition in the units of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Hos Pract Res. 2022;7(1):23-7. DOI: 10.34172/hpr.2022.05
3. Asgary M, Zaroushani V, Ghalenoei M, Akbari Y. Fire risk analysis using the FSES method in a educational hospitals of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2022 [in Persian]. J Health Saf Work. 2023;13(2):269-87.
4. Wood MH, Hailwood M, Koutelos K. Reducing the risk of oxygen-related fires and explosions in hospitals treating Covid-19 patients. Process Saf Environ Prot. 2021;153:278-88. PMID: 34188364 • DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2021.06.023
5. Moradi SM, Nekoei-Moghadam M, Abbasnejad A, Hasheminejad N. Risk analysis and safety assessment of hospitals against disasters: A systematic review. J Educ Health Promot. 2021;10:412. PMID: 35071618 DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_1670_20
6. Hokmabadi R, Mahdinia M, Zaree R, Mirzaee M, Kahsari P. Fire risk assessment by FRAME in a hospital complex [in Persian]. JNKUMS. 2017;9(2):173-82. DOI: 10.18869/acadpub.jnkums.9.2.173
7. Choi D, Lim J, Cha M-I, Choi C, Woo S, Jeong S, et al. Analysis of disaster medical response: the Sejong Hospital fire. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2022;1-6 PMID: 35293304 DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X22000334.
8. Jahangiri M RF, Darooghe F. Fire risk assessment in the selected Hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in accordance with NFPA101[in Persian]. Iran Occupational Health Journal. 2016;13(1):99-106.
9. Mirakbari M OM, Mehr MD, Khalili HA, Majidi SA. Investigating fire patterns and methods to improve its safety in the country's hospitals; a review study [in Persian]. J Hosp. 2020;19(2):42-50.
10. Sharma R, Bakshi H, Banerjee A. Fire safety hazards: How safe are our hospitals? Indian journal of community medicine. Indian J Community Med. 2020;45(1):104-5. PMID: 32029995 doi: 10.4103/ijcm.IJCM_182_17
11. Kurd H, Zaroushani V, Akbari Shahrestanaki Y, Safari Variani A. Determining factors affecting fire risk in a hospital in Qazvin, Iran. Health in emergencies and disasters quarterly. 2021;6(2):115-22.DOI: 10.32598/hdq.6.2.370
12. Shokouhi M, Nasiriani K, Cheraghi Z, Ardalan A, Khankeh H, Fallahzadeh H, et al. Preventive measures for fire-related injuries and their risk factors in residential buildings: a systematic review. J Inj Violence Res. 2019;11(1):1-14 PMID: 30416192 doi: 10.5249/jivr.v11i1.1057
13. Mirakbari SM, Ooshaksaraie M, Daneshmand-Mehr M, Khalili HA, Majidi SA. Prioritization of interventions and technologies to prevent fire spread in hospitals. Health Tech Ass Act. 2021;5(2). DOI: 10.18502/htaa.v5i2.8006
14. Cvetković VM, Dragašević A, Protić D, Janković B, Nikolić N, Milošević P. Fire safety behavior model for residential buildings: Implications for disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2022;76:102981. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102981
15. Kurd H, Valipour F, Zaroushani V, Pourtaghi G, Malmir Z. Fire pathology in a military hospital using the FRAME technique [in Persian]. J Milit Med. 2021;23(5):424-34 .DOI: 10.30491/JMM.23.5.424
16. Fazel M, Ardalan A, Ostad Taghizadeh A, Yaghoubi T. Investigating fire protection condition in the units of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Hos Pract Res. 2022;7(1):23-7. DOI: 10.34172/hpr.2022.05
17. Asgary M, Zaroushani V, Ghalenoei M, Akbari Y. Fire risk analysis using the FSES method in a educational hospitals of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2022 [in Persian]. J Health Saf Work. 2023;13(2):269-87.
18. Wood MH, Hailwood M, Koutelos K. Reducing the risk of oxygen-related fires and explosions in hospitals treating Covid-19 patients. Process Saf Environ Prot. 2021;153:278-88. PMID: 34188364 • DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2021.06.023
19. Moradi SM, Nekoei-Moghadam M, Abbasnejad A, Hasheminejad N. Risk analysis and safety assessment of hospitals against disasters: A systematic review. J Educ Health Promot. 2021;10:412. PMID: 35071618 DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_1670_20
20. Hokmabadi R, Mahdinia M, Zaree R, Mirzaee M, Kahsari P. Fire risk assessment by FRAME in a hospital complex [in Persian]. JNKUMS. 2017;9(2):173-82. DOI: 10.18869/acadpub.jnkums.9.2.173
21. Choi D, Lim J, Cha M-I, Choi C, Woo S, Jeong S, et al. Analysis of disaster medical response: the Sejong Hospital fire. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2022;1-6 PMID: 35293304 DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X22000334.
22. Jahangiri M RF, Darooghe F. Fire risk assessment in the selected Hospitals of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in accordance with NFPA101[in Persian]. Iran Occupational Health Journal. 2016;13(1):99-106.
23. Mirakbari M OM, Mehr MD, Khalili HA, Majidi SA. Investigating fire patterns and methods to improve its safety in the country's hospitals; a review study [in Persian]. J Hosp. 2020;19(2):42-50.
24. Sharma R, Bakshi H, Banerjee A. Fire safety hazards: How safe are our hospitals? Indian journal of community medicine. Indian J Community Med. 2020;45(1):104-5. PMID: 32029995 doi: 10.4103/ijcm.IJCM_182_17
25. Kurd H, Zaroushani V, Akbari Shahrestanaki Y, Safari Variani A. Determining factors affecting fire risk in a hospital in Qazvin, Iran. Health in emergencies and disasters quarterly. 2021;6(2):115-22.DOI: 10.32598/hdq.6.2.370
26. Shokouhi M, Nasiriani K, Cheraghi Z, Ardalan A, Khankeh H, Fallahzadeh H, et al. Preventive measures for fire-related injuries and their risk factors in residential buildings: a systematic review. J Inj Violence Res. 2019;11(1):1-14 PMID: 30416192 doi: 10.5249/jivr.v11i1.1057
27. Mirakbari SM, Ooshaksaraie M, Daneshmand-Mehr M, Khalili HA, Majidi SA. Prioritization of interventions and technologies to prevent fire spread in hospitals. Health Tech Ass Act. 2021;5(2). DOI: 10.18502/htaa.v5i2.8006
28. Cvetković VM, Dragašević A, Protić D, Janković B, Nikolić N, Milošević P. Fire safety behavior model for residential buildings: Implications for disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2022;76:102981. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102981

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