1- , ghalenoii@yahoo.com
Abstract: (25863 Views)
Introduction: Peptic ulcer is a condition in which there is an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum. The incidence of peptic ulcer is 5 to 10% and is more prevalent in men. Infection with helicobacter pylori, NSAIDS, smoking and alcoholism are of the most important risk factors. Another risk factor is the O blood group. Since most research in this field are done abroad this study is done with the aim of determining the relation between ABO blood group and Rh with peptic ulcer. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 325 persons with dyspepsia were investigated. These individuals were referred for endoscopy. The case group consisted of 110 persons in whom endoscopy had revealed a peptic ulcer and control group 215 persons in whom endoscopy had showed no sign of ulcer. Blood grouping was performed by slide and tube methods .Chi square test was used for data analysis. Results: Based on the results, patients’ age was between 18-75 years. 68.6% of samples were women because they had more referrals. There was a significant relation between age and sex with peptic ulcer. 25.5% of patients were single and 72.5% married. Among all samples 32.9% had A blood group, 18.5% B, 11.1% AB and 37.5% O and 88% were Rh positive and 12% Rh negative. There was no significant relation between ABO blood group and Rh with peptic ulcer. The gathered data was analyzed using odds ratio, relative risk and Chi square test. Conclusion: Although some investigations have showed correlations between ABO blood group and peptic ulcer, our data showed no correlation. This may be due to the prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection among patients with peptic ulcer which needs more investigations. Other effective factors may be life style and nutrition.
General Received: 2008/10/21