Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2009)                   J Arak Uni Med Sci 2009, 12(2): 17-27 | Back to browse issues page

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Tajabady Ebrahimi M, Hejazy M A, Ghafary R, Jafari P. Antagonistic ability of acid and bile tolerance Lactobacillus were isolated from dairy products. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2009; 12 (2) :17-27
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-94-en.html
1- , Ebrahimi_mt@ yahoo.com
Abstract:   (18606 Views)
Background: In order to selected indigenous potential probiotic bacteria, we surveyed antagonistic activities of 22 strains of acid and bile tolerant Lactobacillus, isolated from traditional dairy products by biochemical and molecular methods. Methods and Materials: In a fundamental practical study assessment of antimicrobial activity of this strain with neutrallized and Dual layer two methods against bacterial pathogene such as E-coli, L.monocytogenes, S.auteus and Y.entercolitica was done. These strain were identified with two methods for determining of biochemical and sequence of 16Sr DNA. Results: Dual layer method based on the growth of zone diameter were estabilished in three groups of strains inhibitors, semi inhibitors and non inhibitors. Neutralize method around well acidic extract containing strains C5i4, Y144, K213, C4i2, C612 and neutral extract C5i4 zone blight strains was observed. Based on the results, sequence area 16Sr DNA of four strains inclulde C4i2, C1d2, Y2c4, D3b1 indicator bacteria that revealed the highest percentage of inhibitor effect of bacterial indicators, were duplicate and sequency. So four strains L.Bacilus Pentosus, L.Bacillus Bervis and L. Bacillus Paraplantarum, were indentifed respectivey. Conclusion: It seems that indigenous lactobacillus from Iranian dairy products have potential as probiotics. So use of them as bio preservative prevent food bacterial contamination.
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Subject: General
Received: 2008/11/4

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