karimy M, Heidarnia A, ghofrani F. Factors influencing self-medication among elderly urban centers in Zarandieh based on Health Belief Model. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2011; 14 (5) :70-78
1- , karimymahmoo@yahoo.com
2- tarbiat modares university
Abstract: (16389 Views)
Background: Self-medication is one of the existing problems in the treatment cycle of patients that with aging and increased drug use, its side effects increase. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing self-medication among elderly urban centers in Zarandieh based on Health Belief Model
Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 180 elderly individuals (95 females and 85 males) over 60 in Zarandieh. Data collection tools were a questionnaire designed based on HBM model (perceived susceptibility/ severity, and perceived benefits/barriers) and self-medication checklist.
Results: The prevalence of self- medication in the elderly was 31% (33% women and 29% men). The most common reasons for self-medication were previous experience of the disease and its recognition (61%), availability of drugs (60.5%), and good result of their previous treatment (56.7%). There was a significant difference in awareness, sensitivity, severity, perceived benefits and barriers among people with or without self-medication history (P< 001).
Conclusion: Noticing the side effects of drugs and the high prevalence of self-medication among elderly, designing educational programs for changing the awareness and beliefs of elderly regarding self-medication is recommended.
Type of Study:
Original Atricle |
Health Received: 2010/12/29 | Accepted: 2011/05/24