Volume -                   J Arak Uni Med Sci , - : 7-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Saghebi F, Kahbazi M, Chehrei A, Mobaraki M. Comparison of different ways in drawing population participation of Imam Ali region, Arak 2005. J Arak Uni Med Sci
URL: http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-317-en.html
1- , frdsgei1351@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1511 Views)
Introduction: Active cooperation of individuals in their political, economic, cultural and other aspects of life is called participation. In local participation, participants in addition to acquiring benefits of each project can affect its direction and implementation. This participation in local societies produces empowerment and development. In order to perform community based participatory researches, people were encouraged to cooperate in Arak population research base. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, to encourage people to be active in the base, 10 methods were implemented which are categorized in three major groups: 1. Man to man methods such as peer groups, invitation of friends, residents of quarters and helping in need people 2.Commercial methods such as billboards, posters, local publications, celebrations and national and religious occasions 3.Group making methods in which members were active in reaching a special goal. Questionnaires were completed for 200 individuals having at least 1 hour participation a week. Results: People participated in the base during 8 months, overlay selected these different participation methods as their introducing methods to the base: man to man methods 236 times, commercial ones 104 times and group making 62 times. From the viewpoint of cost, man to man methods had 12500000, commercial ones 42000000 and group making 14500000 Rials cost. Conclusion: Results showed that the best way to draw individuals’ participation was man to man methods especially by friends and the second was commercial ones. Group making methods had the least success. Also women (especially housewives) and youths were the most active groups. Man to man methods had the lowest and commercial ones had the highest coast. Key words: Participation drawing, emp
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Subject: General
Received: 2009/05/14

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