hazavehi M M, orouji M A, Charkazi A, Hassanzadeh A. The effect of health education intervention based on PRECEDE framework on modification of vegetable oils consumption habits in families under the cover of health centers in Mani Shahr of Khomein. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2011; 13 (4) :133-142
1- , ali3vt@yahoo.com
Abstract: (14293 Views)
Background: The consumption of hydrogenated vegetable oils, rich sources of both saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids, is one of the most important risk factors for cardio-vascular diseases(CVD). The aim of this randomized semi-experimental control study was to modify the consumption habits of vegetable oils among families under the cover of health centers of Khomeini city. Materials and Methods: 136 adult women living in Khomein and Mohallat were randomly allocated to case and control groups. Data gathering instrument was a questionnaire based on PRECEDE framework. The educational intervention was weekly conducted in three 60-90 minute sessions based on the PRECEDE framework constructs for two months. Results: Mean scores of predisposing (knowledge and attitude), reinforcing, and enabling factors showed a significant difference in the case group in comparison to the control group(p<0.05). Also, hydrogenated vegetable oils consumption in case group decreased from 72% to 63% , whereas liquid vegetable oils consumption increased from 28% to 37%(p<0.05). Conclusion: Planning and implementation of an educational intervention program based on PRECEDE framework can be effective in reduction of hydrogenated vegetable oils consumption.
Health Received: 2010/03/9