Safi khani Z, Safikhani M. Study of Relation between Scoliosis and Difference of Feet and Hands Length in Students (11-15 years old) of Ahwaz City. J Arak Uni Med Sci 1999; 2 (7) :18-21
1- School of Medicine, Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.
Abstract: (1524 Views)
The human vertebral in anatomical position have two curves thoracic and sacral with posterior curvature and two lumbar and cervical with anterior curvature. The vertebral column no lateral curves. Any curves in the both sides are called scoliosis. Presence of scoliosis is accompany with medical problems such as cardiopulmonary failure, lumbar pain asimetry and deformity. Present project is considered all of the pre-schools boys have done in ages between 11-15 years in every four educational districts of Ahwaz by school screening, 1033 cases was randomly put under. Consideration to determine the rate of scoliosis percentage measuring the length of hight, hands, feet and arm span, the relationship between theses figures and coliosis was determined, the rate of scoliosis in considering population was 1.36% in of all persons the difference who were studied between the length of hands was 5 to 12 mm. The difference between the hight and ram span with those who has scoliosis compare to normal people was considered to be more, the statistic examination was showed that the difference between the length of both hands and feet with the patients meaningful.
Type of Study:
Original Atricle |
Pediatrics Accepted: 1999/06/22