Rezvanfar M R. Assessment of Relationship Between Orthostatic Hypotention with Duration and Type of Diabetes Mellitus in Diabetic Patients Admitted Shaheed Beheshti Hospital of Kashan in 1997. J Arak Uni Med Sci 2000; 3 (3) :12-17
School of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran.
Abstract: (1322 Views)
Orthostatic Hypertension is one of nervous system (Autonomic) complications of diabetes mellitus (D.M) that is the most common cause of morbidity in autonomic neuropathy , This study is a case control study for assessment of relationship between frequency of orthostatic hypotension with duration and type of D.M in Kashan Dr, Beheshti hospital in 1379. From 300 diabetes patients in this study, 100 patients have orthostatic hypotension in case group and 200 patients, have not this complication(control group). From case group, 14 had IDDM and 89 had NIDDM average duration of diabetes in case group was 8.44 years and in control group was 7.65 years by T test analysis this difference has no means and so there is not correlation between diabetes duration and frequency of orthostatic hypotension (p=0.05) By K2, test analysis, however there was not correlation between diabetes type and orthostatic hypotension frequency (p=0.05). In contrast with some other diabetes complications orthostatic hypotension has not correlation with diabetes type and duration.
Type of Study:
Original Atricle |
Oncology Accepted: 2000/09/22