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1- Department of Psychology, Faculty of human science, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh,iran.
2- Department of Counseling, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran (Corresponding Author) , dr_zahrakar@khu.ac.ir
3- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Karaj, Iran.
Abstract:   (655 Views)
Extended Abstract
Nurses, as the main force and the most important bearers of the health system, have a fundamental role in continuing care. Married female nurses, in addition to taking jobs full of stress and high burnout, should play other roles such as mating and motherhood. Therefore, this pressure, stress and exhaustion is more evident. Therefore, in order to reduce these problems, the increase of resilience in this group is more than before. In recent years, the positive psychology approach, with the slogan of attention to human talents and abilities, has been considered by researchers. The factors that make the human more compatible with the needs and threats of life are referred to as resilience; resilience is the most fundamental constructs under research in this approach which has a special place, especially in the field of developmental psychology, family psychology and mental health.
The present study is based on the fundamental purpose and in terms of the method of collecting descriptive data of correlation type with structural equation model. The statistical population of the study included all married female nurses in public hospitals and medical centers of Alborz province in 1401. A sample of 400 people was selected through multistage cluster sampling. Questionnaire of Resilience of Connor and Davidson (2003),Cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire of Granfsky et al. (2001) and Bagaroozi's Marital Intimacy Questionnaire (2001) were used.In this research, frequency distribution table (to study the characteristics of subjects, descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, skewness, elongation) and structural equation modeling (measurement model and structural equation model) have been used using SPSS 26 and Amos24 software.
the results of demographic information based on age (20-25) year, 152 people) 38%; In terms of education (bachelor's degree 265 people, 66.25 percent, based on the number of children, no children with 144 people). 36%, employment history (up to 5 years of experience, 198 people, 49.5% based on the duration of marriage, up to 5 years of marriage, 166 people, 41.5%) as well as the highest number of cohabitation differences (382 people). 95.5% constituted the largest percentage of participants. Cronbach's alpha, cognitive emotion regulation was 0.84, marital intimacy was 0.87, and resilience was 0.81. Also, the variables of standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis, the variable of cognitive regulation of emotion - 0.680, - 0.195 and - 0.905, the variable of marital intimacy 89.597, - 0.887 and - 0.019, and the variables of resilience, respectively - 0.055, 202 -0.0 and 1.131 were obtained. Also, the correlation matrix between the variables of cognitive emotional regulation, marital intimacy and resilience was obtained at 0.01 (, 0.729 and 0.796) and a positive and significant relationship was obtained between the variables, so it was possible to check the research model.
Structural model path coefficients of pathways (cognitive flexibility to marital adjustment, cognitive flexibility to resiliency 0.986, cognitive emotion regulation to marital adjustment, cognitive emotion adjustment to resiliency 0.875, self-differentiation to marital adjustment, self-differentiation to resiliency 0.842 and marital adjustment to resiliency 0.578) all of which were more than 0.5. The standard error of the above paths was 0.091, 0.025, 0.202, 0.253, respectively. 0.035, 0.155, 0.049, 0.035 and 0.049 were obtained. Critical ratios were 5.734, 3.944, 9.810, 3.458, -4.539, 2.450 and 11.795, respectively.  In order to evaluate mediation or mediator relationships in the second model, bootstrap test and for mediation status of mediation analysis was used by bootstrapping method The relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and resilience with mediation of marital adjustment with direct and indirect effects and total effects of which were 0.671, 1.228 and 1.899, respectively. The relationship between self-differentiation and resilience mediated by marital adjustment with direct and indirect effects and total effects of which were 0.479, 0.899 and 0.420, respectively.
The aim of this study was to investigate the modeling of resilience based on cognitive flexibility, cognitive emotion regulation and self-differentiation with the mediating role of marital intimacy. The results showed that direct path coefficient of cognitive flexibility, cognitive emotion regulation, self-differentiation and marital intimacy were directly and mediated by marital intimacy were significant on resiliency (2,5,3). It can be argued that the more couples have control over their emotional leaders, the more they can acquire a positive self-concept and act independently, and in different individual, social and occupational situations, the more able to control their emotions, and they can also establish their own position in these situations and take into account the undependency and in their relationships with others about their emotions and Their emotions are more controllable. (4(Therefore, the more decisions people make based on logic, reasoning, comprehensive view of circumstances, rationality and free from false emotions and emotions, and in their choices different cognitive, emotional, emotional and behavioral factors are more appropriate and free from excesses and considering the interests of the family, rather than individual ones, the more they can tolerate problems. Therefore, in explaining the results of the research, it can be stated that marital intimacy can be the connecting link to increase resilience of flexible couples, differentiated and with more emotional regulation. Limitations of this study can be mentioned to long administrative hierarchy for obtaining permission for sampling and also caution in generalizability of the findings.
Compliance with research ethics
Participants in the study were assured that their information would be preserved. The informed consent form was given to everyone and the participants signed the form. This research has an IR ethics committee code. ZUMS. REC.1401.297 is from Alborz University of Medical Sciences.
According to the authors, there was no financial support for the research. 
Conflicts of interest
According to the authors, this article does not conflict of interest
Thank you and Appreciate
The authors of the article are sincerely grateful to the research deputy of Islamic Azad University of Saveh, the authorities of Alborz University of Medical Sciences, colleagues of health centers in Karaj and all female nurses participating in this research.

Type of Study: Original Atricle | Subject: Nursing
Received: 2024/08/16 | Accepted: 2024/10/26

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